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bbs.r sneak peak
`A>>``Cbbs`.`Lr` `O::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: ` `S:+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: ` `P+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ ` `P+#++:++#+ +#++:++#+ +#++:++#++ ` `P+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ ` `P#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# ` `P######### ######### ######## ` `Nboards`: `Vnews` `Vpatch_notes` `Vbugs_features_ideas` `Vnew_players` `Vcorps` `Vgeneral_discussion` `Nposts`: 0001 `A(Idea) Pressing "CLOSE" provides warning first` `V6ezv8` `Lsamual` `C{190101.1523}` 0001 `A(Idea) ability to sort posts by upvotes on forums` `Vpq7g4` `Lsamual` `C{190101.1331}` 0002 `Achristmas_crackers_v1: The GrottOS Incursion` `Vxgumu` `Lgrott_os` `C{190101.0648}` 0002 `Aur all getting banned` `Vfos99` `Lseanmakesgames_admin` `C{190101.0124}` 0001 `A(SPOILERS) All the Locks and Their Solutions` `Va45g6` `Lsamual` `C{190101.0117}` 0000 `AKahoots recruiting the stinkiest stinkers in the MUD` `V0u75w` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{190101.0048}` 0000 `AKahoots recruiting the stinkiest stinkers in the MUD` `Vczzmm` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{190101.0047}` 0000 `AKahoots recruiting the stinkiest stinkers in the MUD` `V6ywu9` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{190101.0047}` 0000 `AKahoots recruiting the stinkiest stinkers in the MUD` `Vcz4on` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{190101.0046}` 0005 `AWetware Enterprises is recruiting!` `I^` `Vu3kj9` `Lwe_ltd` `C{190101.0029}` 0001 `AWetware Enterprises is recruiting` `I^` `Vmuy9x` `Lwe_ltd` `C{190101.0016}` 0001 `Ahappy new year mud!` `V2fer3` `Lsamual` `C{190101.0008}` 0003 `A[Idea] Use the SFX from the BINMAT Mobile App in-game` `Vfttaf` `Ltheodd1sout` `C{181231.1821}` 0002 `A[Idea] Ability to use the chat window while /autoing` `Vwmfsq` `Ldtr` `C{181231.0532}` 0001 `A(idea) see posts and comments from a specific user` `Vbcnvr` `Lsamual` `C{181230.2107}` 0004 `AMake DATA_CHECK more approachable for newbies` `Vzbg82` `Ltheodd1sout` `C{181230.2052}` 0002 `Awetware is recruting` `V5vtnk` `Lwetware` `C{181230.0839}` 0006 `ADouble "slam" from hardlines` `Vtgrbz` `Lmatr1x` `C{181230.0700}` 0003 `ALong usernames roll over into text` `V567jq` `Lbubmet` `C{181230.0140}` 0005 `A[Idea] ``Cfs``A.``Lscripts``A.quine()` `Vwn3t6` `Ldtr` `C{181229.2212}` 0004 `AAllow to allow others to edit specific posts.` `V0jdkf` `Lghamb` `C{181229.0623}` 0003 `AUnable to escape graves on forums` `Vwh3v7` `Lunit` `C{181229.0525}` 0004 `AColor Reference` `F#` `Vs0x58` `Lghamb` `C{181229.0522}` 0002 `A(Idea) being able to tell if you already upvoted` `l&` `Vgbqva` `Lsamual` `C{181229.0341}` 0004 `AProposal to expand low-tier hardline limits` `V7knzg` `Ldtr` `C{181229.0108}` 0001 `ASuggestions?` `Vfwoyp` `Lsamual` `C{181228.2316}` 0001 `ATest` `Vt2ru9` `Lsamual` `C{181228.2247}` 0001 `ANo way to downvote on forums?` `N%` `Vg8xqh` `Ldtr` `C{181227.0145}` 0001 `AMake DATA_CHECK tell you when you get a right answer` `N%` `V0bazb` `Lalpha` `C{181226.1646}` 0013 `Ahow many upvotes can we get` `Vqmsn7` `Lbubmet` `C{181223.1634}` `A>>``Cbbs`.`Lr` { `Nboards`:`V "new_players"` } ------------------------------------------------ `AN00bs` ------------------------------------------------ `BPosts about new player questions and experiences. Post your vLAN questions, getting started guides, or just read up!` 0001 `A(SPOILERS) All the Locks and Their Solutions` `Va45g6` `Lsamual` `C{190101.0117}` 0004 `AStaying safe with SECLEVELs` `F#` `V5zhz7` `Lbubmet` `C{181205.1710}` 0004 `AThe Trust Scripts - Documentation For '``Fscripts``A.``Ltrust``A' Scripts` `F#``I^` `Vtjkkx` `Lprofessor` `C{181205.1655}` 0000 `AStuck in Yrollam part` `Vejkba` `Lunidentified_98dko8` `C{180623.1314}` 0000 `APossible bug --SPOILERS--` `Vn5ch9` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{180125.1945}` 0000 `AI'm having trouble with ``Fscripts``A.``Lfullsec` `Vovq7y` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{180121.0056}` 0000 `AHelp getting into ``Caon``A.``Lmemb3rs_only` `Vwa6qq` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{180120.2350}` 0000 `AWhat does it mean to send a script?` `V7rmdx` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{171226.0215}` 0000 `AWhat is the goal in this game?` `V3hv26` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{171010.0342}` 0000 `AScripting Tutorial before firewall?` `V2640p` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170910.2016}` 0000 `AStuck during tutorial please help` `V62vwy` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170714.0540}` 0000 `Abalance_v1 not buyable!` `Vjmd6g` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170703.1852}` 0000 `A{Possible Spoilers} What to do after draining the 3 ``Chalpyron``A.``Lhelpdesk` `Ahelpdesk_roster accounts` `V7rowh` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170702.2114}` 0000 `AAny Way to Get Command/Script Help and/or Description with Usage Examples?` `V75wfq` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170625.0255}` 0000 `AAny Way to Get Command/Script Help and/or Description with Usage Examples?` `Verv0g` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170625.0253}` 0000 `AAny Way to Get a Command's Description, ?` `V0cf4y` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170625.0240}` 0000 `AÈÈÈSPOILERSÉÉÉ Don't Know if this is a mistake or... ` `Vhug3p` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{170213.1259}` 0000 `ACommands to use while writing a script` `V70om9` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161221.1523}` 0000 `AAutocompletes for sys are screwed?` `V69z82` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161127.0538}` 0000 `ANPC T1 password glitch?` `Vzycfo` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161109.2014}` 0000 `ABug on Laundery List? *Spoilers*` `Vyuodu` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161102.0212}` 0000 `AScripting - Need Details\Whitepapers\etc` `Vwunc9` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161030.1907}` 0000 `ATutorial help :Halperyon` `Vp6v3n` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161026.0359}` 0000 `ATutorial help :Halperyon` `V6s624` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161026.0354}` 0000 `Acant get to step 4` `Vma6b3` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161021.0049}` 0000 `AStuck at ``Clol_r_yam``A.``Llaundery_list` `Vt093x` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161020.2309}` 0000 `AStuck at ``Clol_r_yam``A.``Llaundery_list` `V32ma3` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161020.2308}` 0000 `AI'm a tad bit stuck at the Mail room.` `Vy8jua` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161020.1327}` 0000 `AScripting help? Please?` `V3045r` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161018.0044}` 0000 `AMessed up tutorial? - poss spoilers` `Vkg7cg` `LÈuser deletedÉ` `C{161016.1940}`
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Note that script name colours overwrite the normally only white titles
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