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[idea] Make it easier to get a bbs.r command from forums and a forum url from bbs.r
Right now, the bbs.r output for a given post includes the slug (which seems intended to allow construction of a forum url), but lacks the board. Example: { vote_count: 2, is_sticky: false, is_locked: false, is_archived: false, is_answered: false, is_implemented: false, title: "(idea) see posts and comments from a specific user", text: "maybe by clicking on their username", slug: "_idea__see_posts_and_comments_from_a_specific_user", short_id: "bcnvr", username: "samual", time: "181230.2107", replies: [] } The slug is really only useful for making the url, but without the board (in this case bugs_features_ideas) we can't easily make the url in-game Going the other direction, from that post in the forums, there is no way to get the short_id "bcnvr" needed to generate a bbs.r command. Use-case is to allow people in-game and out-of-game to interop. I.e. if I am on the forums on my phone and I want to send someone a post over the chat API, i can't get the short_id so the best I can do is give them the name and have them search bbs.r. Or, if I'm in-game and want to send a URL to someone I know is reading using the chat API, i can't assemble a URL for them because I'm missing board.
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or: having hackmud.com/forums/<short_id> redirecting you to the post would also work as well as making URLs shorter when sending forum pages to people. dtr's idea is much more thought out though and is probably less work.
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por que no los dos? The short-id url would be nice regardless of the above, assuming that short-ids are unique across boards.
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